Monday, July 18, 2016

Next Sketchbook

The current sketchbook is down to about a third of the pages left. Time to get the successor ready.

I'm doing double-cable stitching of the signatures right now. Seven signatures might seem like a lot, but I need that thick a book for this binding to allow the pages to lay flat.

This one is a new size for me. 8"x8". First ink probably wont go in it until sometime in September, but I like to have one ready long before it's pressed into service.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Imitation Game

Finally, finally, finally. We get to see this lovely beastie of a book in print. In hardcover, no less (my first). Coming March 22, from ABRAMS.

Satchel 2015

After many years I may have settled on the perfect satchel. I made this one a couple months ago based on a 1948 Bonna Allen US Mail bag. I scaled it down to suit my needs. It's about 15.5" Wide by 11" tall, and is now my constant companion.